Fruits are
an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in
fiber. Fruits also provide a wide range of health-boosting antioxidants,
including flavonoids. Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce a
person's risk of developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes.
If you didn't like to eat the fruit directly then here are some special fruit
products available. These products are awesome in taste.
special Malas fruit products that keep you healthy and fit
1. Mixed
Fruit Jam :
Fruit jam can be made from various fruit. It can be made
from pineapple, strawberry, plum or orange. There will be different nutritional
value in each mixed fruit jam. Depends on the ingredients and the kind of fruit.
But in average, the jam is contained energy, sugar, carbs, vitamins and
minerals. Mixed Fruit jam also can optimize body metabolism, Therefore, the
body can be avoided from unwanted sickness. Malas mixed fruit jam is best in
test and healthy products for better life.
2. Crushes
and Syrups
Crushes and Syrups are a great source of vitamins and
minerals, to keep you healthy and energized, and fibre to lower cholesterol,
keeping your digestive system happy. You can pick your favourite out of the
many flavours.
3. Melties
Malas is the best manufacturers of Melties- the real fruit jelly that just melts in your mouth.
Melties available in different flavors of like litchi, mangos and more. Mala’s
fruit melties are full of fruit nutrition.
4. Squash
Mala's have all the best collection of squash flavor like
Lemon Squash, Mango Squash, Orange Squash, PineApple Squash, Strawberry Squash
and many more. Squash amazing health benefits includes providing nutrition to
the body, boosting immune system, managing diabetes, fighting inflammation,
fighting infections, supporting healthy lungs, treating neural defects, support
healthy vision, prevents anemia, improves bone density, and supports digestion.
5. High
Fruit Jam
High Fruit Jam made with chunks of healthy fruit can help you to reduce
the risk of stroke, heart attack, and all other potential cardiovascular
diseases. Mala's high fruit jam is made up of real fresh organic fruits. Which
are fat-free and zero cholesterol. Malas high fruit jam is tasty and healthy.
All the Fruit products are best for health because fruits are naturally
low in Fat, Sodium, and calories and have absolutely no cholesterol. According
to both medical doctors and naturalistic nutritionists, as well as university
researchers and numerous medical studies are done all across the globe, fruit
jams, jellies, and preserves provide our bodies with beneficial quick boost of
energy and in fact, are only about half the calories. There is a large amount
of Vitamin-C in Fruit jams and jellies so these are very good for every peoples